
We consider Folk Wisdom magazine a humble, salt-of-the-Earth sort of thing, much like an informal gathering of like minded people who love old-style living and ideas, and who are dedicated to bringing some of this into today's world in fresh new way.

Accordingly, we're looking for both authentic articles and photos from anywhere in the past, as well as hip-and-happening ideas on how to utilize these now in a DIY type fashion.

PLEASE NOTE: There are TWO ways to participate in Folk Wisdom, with two different requirements:

1. Hard Copy Magazine Publication       and          

Hard Copy Magazine Publication: this is our actual, physical magazine that is published quarterly. This is mostly our Do-It-Yourself publication and we will be asking you to send in any old-ways-living and related articles in a teaching fashion.

Subject matter can encompass:
*Old style building techniques or tools and how to use them
* Old style crafts and how to create them
* Natural household beauty and cleaning tips
* heirloom gardening and heritage animals
*Old style fashions or designers of a modern time who utilize these elements
*Recreations/recreators of old-style entertainment, art, and other era culture
*Folk art and modern day folk artists
*Shoppes that cater to old ways living or "upcycled" versions of this
*Authentic articles, newspaper clippings, poetry, sayings, or photos of another era
*Old recipes (receipts).
* Basic old-style outdoor living and sustainability
.....or?? Send us your ideas, if you don't see one here.

You may send your article as an attachment via email to:

DEADLINE FOR HARD COPY ARTICLES: Usually 6 weeks before we send out our magazine. This will give us time to edit, layout the article, and send to publisher.


*We will send you 2 copies of Folk Wisdom magazine when it comes out.

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